There is a very specific aesthetic when it comes to a streamer’s bedroom and this kit really picks that up perfectly. Then copy the MCCC folder into the Mods folder. Next, you will need to create an MCCC folder in The Sims 4 > Mods location on your computer.Also, make sure you place all MCCC files in the same folder and that the folder is no more than one level deep in the. If you are running Sims 4 Legacy Edition then you'll want to use MC Command Center 6.6.0 (Legacy Edition Release). WebMake sure you are trying to use the version of MC Command Center that is compatible with your version of Sims 4. UPDATES: "Set Family Relationships" & "No Romance for Family… Instead, the developer of the MC Command Center has written … This is because MCCC doesn’t build on the already existing code from the game.